


1.what is your favorite book? why?我想以小王子來回答 但原應不知如何寫

2.who is your favorite singer? why?

3.who is your favorite actor? why?

4.who is your most unforgettable person in your life? why?

5.why is important to go to school?

6.why is important to study English?

7.Someone wants to talk to your bother, but he is not at home. What will you say?

8.There is going to be an exhibition in the museum. You are interested in it. Call the museum and askfor more information.

9.You are lost.ASk someone for help.

10. Describle your ded room at home.

11.If your best frind were cheating on test, what would you do?

12.Your best frind went to a foregin country to play. Ask him how his trip was.

13.What would you like to change aboout your school?

[希望教室有冷氣 ,或另外較好ㄉ回答]

--------------------------------------------------------回應如下(今天點數用玩 明天請早)

可以先用中文謄寫一遍 再翻成英文 個人比較不建議這樣 擔心你養成習慣 想要練好英文 就要練習用英文思考 但是為了考試為了讓自己培養感覺 短期可以這樣

另外每一題 不要太快下筆 可以大概花點時間 想一下腦袋的單字 題目有沒有辦法把腦中的單字 串連起來 回答題目 英文作文單字 文法 寫的越簡單越好內容才是整篇文章靈魂的關鍵所以建議你應該要想擴充自己的作文內容才是 題目大部分為生活用語 所以就當作外國朋友找自己聊天 然後自己很自然的回答就好 但畢竟你是要用來考試 所以單字還是要多背一些 至少一般生活會用到的 要常用 常背 聽到好句子 也可以背起來..^^

個人試寫如下 僅供參考

1. What is your favorite book? Why?

My favorite book is "The Little Prince”, and I’m much impressed about it for several reasons. First of all, Little Prince asked much problem in order to realize about what adults really thought, he never gets up until he got the solution from the adults. In addition, Human beings are selfish, especially Adults, they’ve forgotten what innocent happiness is; they’ve ignored what most important thing between people to people is. In the end, from this book I realize what the meaning of life is-Instead of selfish, only love can make the world more beautiful.

2. Who is your favorite singer? Why?

Richard Marx is my favorite singer, especially when he sang “Right here waiting”, since I listened to the English love song many years age, I found myself loving it very much.

3. Who is your favorite actor? Why?

So far I don’t have any specific favorite actor but one- Mel Gibson. I’m touched very much by the movie “Brave heart” he acted many years ago, you’re supposed to take a look at it if you have chance, maybe you will realize more about the word “Freedom” after you see it.

4. Who is your most unforgettable person in your life? Why?

It goes without saying that my Father is the most unforgettable person in my life. He not merely teaches me how to tell right from wrong, but offer much support when I feel helpless. I hope that one day I could do something useful in return for all he gave me.

5. Why is it important to go to school?

As far as I’m concerned that it’s important for us to go to school for several reasons, and first, we can learn how to make friends with classmates, even sometimes teachers will be good friends to students. Second, we’ll realize how to take respect for the ones who are different to ourselves, in the beginning you go to the classroom, you’ll see that some classmates’ behavior is different to your memory, and you’ve got to know more about these friends, Yes, be patient and try to care about them. Finally, we can learn more basic and more systemic knowledge from teachers, and the teachers will help you to know more about the world.

6. Why is it important to study English?

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, a fact that everyone knows. Whatever one does, he or she can’t do without knowing something about English. A good command of spoken English enables us to travel around the world without difficulties. If we an read English, we may expose ourselves to the latest information about technology, culture, and so on, which can enrich our knowledge. There are so many advantages about learning English that we should not miss any opportunity to master it.

7. Someone wants to talk to your bother, but he is not at home. What will you say?

He is not here right now. Do you want to leave some message for him? Or may I take your telephone numbers and remind him to call you when he comes back later?

8. There is going to be an exhibition in the museum. You are interested in it. Call the museum and ask for more information.

Excuse me! I heard about that there’s going to be an exhibition in the museum, so could you please tell me some information about it? I’d like to know “When do you start the exhibition?”, “How can I go there by public transportation?”…

9. You are lost and ask someone for help.

Excuse me, I got lost, Could you tell me where I am? I’m looking for bus stop or MRT, Could you tell me how to reach there? Thanks.

10. Describe your bedroom at home.

I have a very common bedroom, white wall, three tables for reading, bathroom…so on, but I have lots of books in my bedroom-more than one thousand, I get used to reading some books before I go to bed.

11.If your best friend were cheating on test, what would you do?

I will try my best to carefully analyze that his behavior may do some damage to himself, especially for his future. If he didn’t accept my suggestion, I’ll try to stop him not to do so; if he still has on his own way, I will give up and do nothing more.

12. Your best friend went to a foreign country to play. Ask him how his trip was.

How’s your trip? Which country do you go to play? How long do you play? Did you have a good time? Did you see something funny? Come on! Share what you’ve got to me!

13. What would you like to change about your school?

First of all, I’d like to have air conditioning in our school because it’s uncomfortable for me to stay in the hot classroom. In addition, maybe we can increase more books in our library for students to look up some reference. In the end perhaps we can have a swimming pool.


何為你喜歡的書? 為什麼?我想以小王子來回答但原應不知如何寫

2.who是你最喜歡的歌手? 為什麼?

3.who是你最喜歡的演員? 為什麼?

4.who是你最難忘的人你的生活? 為什麼?



7.Someone想告訴你的麻煩,但他不在家。 你會怎麼說?

8.There將是在博物館的展覽。 你有興趣了。 呼叫博物館和askfor更多的信息。


10。 Describle您的經濟發展部室在家裡。


12.Your最好frind去了foregin國家播放。 問他怎麼他的旅行。

你喜歡吃點什麼想改變 aboout你的學校?


-------------------------------------------------- ------回應如下(今天點數用玩明天請早)

可以先用中文謄寫一遍 再翻成英文 個人比較不建議這樣 擔心你養成習慣 想要練好英文 就要練習用英文思考 但是為了考試為了讓自己培養感覺 短期可以這樣

另外每一題 不要太快下筆 可以大概花點時間 想一下 腦袋的單字 題目 :“ 有沒有辦法把腦中的單字 串連起來 回答題目英文作文單字 文法 寫的越簡單越好 內容才是整篇文章靈魂的關鍵 所以建議你應該要想擴充自己的作文內容才是 題目大部分為生活用語 所以就當作外國朋友找自己聊天 然後自己很自然的回答就好 但畢竟你是要用來考試 所以單字還是要多背一些 至少一般生活會用到的 要常用 買賣背 聽到好句子 也可以背起來 .. ^ ^

個人試寫如下 僅供參考

1。 什麼是您最喜歡的書? 為什麼呢?


2。 誰是你最喜歡的歌手? 為什麼呢?


3。 誰是你最喜歡的演員? 為什麼呢?

到目前為止,我沒有特別喜歡的演員,但一個梅爾吉布森。 我非常受感動的電影“ 勇敢的心 “,他擔任很多年前,你應該去看看,如果你有機會,也許你會發現更多的有關”自由“一詞之後,你看到它。

4。 誰是你最難忘的人你的生活? 為什麼呢?

不用說,我的父親是我最難忘的人的生活。 他不僅教我如何辨別是非,但提供多少支持,當我感到無奈。 我希望有一天我可以做一些有用的東西作為回報,他給了我一切。

5。 為什麼是很重要的去上學?

就我而言,這是非常重要的我們去了幾個學校的原因,首先,我們可以學習如何與同學交朋友,甚至有時老師會成為好朋友的學生。 第二,我們自然會明白如何採取尊重不同的誰是自己,一開始你去教室,你會看到一些同學的行為是不同的你的記憶,你要知道有關這些朋友,是的,要有耐心,盡量關心他們。 最後,我們可以學到更多的知識基礎和更系統的老師,老師會幫助你更多地了解世界。

6。 為什麼是重要的學習英語?

英語是最廣泛的語言在世界上,每個人都知道一個事實。 一個人不管做什麼事,他或她不能沒有知道一些關於英語。 精通英語口語使我們能夠周遊世界上沒有困難。 如果我們一讀英語,我們可能會暴露自己的最新信息,技術,文化,等等,這可以豐富我們的知識。 有這麼多的好處關於學習英語,我們不應該錯過任何機會來掌握它。

7。 有人想告訴你的麻煩,但他不在家。 你會怎麼說?

他現在不在這裡。 你要離開他的一些消息? 也可能我把你的電話號碼,提醒他給你打電話,他回來後?

8。 這裡將成為一個在博物館展覽。 你有興趣了。 打電話給博物館,並要求獲得更多信息。

對不起! 我聽說有將是在博物館的展覽,所以請你告訴我一些有關它的信息? 我想知道“你什麼時候開始的展覽?”,“我怎麼能去那裡的公共交通?”...

9。 你走失了,請別人幫助。

對不起,我迷路了,你能告訴我我在哪裡? 我要找巴士站或地鐵,你能告訴我如何到達那裡? 謝謝。

10。 描述你的臥室在家裡。



我會盡我所能,仔細分析,他的行為可能會做一些傷害自己,尤其是對他的未來。 如果他不接受我的建議,我會盡力阻止他不這樣做,如果他仍然對自己的路,我會放棄,不要僅此而已。

12。 你最好的朋友去外國玩。 問他怎麼他的旅行。

怎麼你的旅行? 你去哪個國家玩嗎? 你玩多長時間? 你有一個良好的時間? 你看到一些有趣的? 來吧! 分享你得給我!

13。 請問您想改變你的學校嗎?

首先,我想在有空調的學校,因為它不舒服,我留在炎熱的教室。 此外,也許我們可以增加更多的書籍在我們的圖書館,讓學生查找一些參考。 最終也許我們可以有一個游泳池。