



tongue twisters 繞口令

1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

2. Cheap ship trip.

3. Freshly fried fresh flesh.

4. Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

5. Three free throws.

6. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.

7. While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm

washing water.

8. She sells seashells by the seashore. If she sells seashells by the seashore, where's the seashells she sells

by the seashore?

9. How many sheets should a sheet slitter slit, if a sheet slitter should slit sheets?

He'd slit all the sheets that a sheet slitter should, if a sheet slitter should slit sheets.

10. Richard Bachelor munches lunches on the church's benches.

Does Richard Bachelor munch lunches on the church's benches?

If Richard Bachelor munches lunches on the church's benches,

where on the church's benches does Richard Bachelor munch lunches?

11. Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly seniors.

12. Shoes and socks shock Susie.

13. Is there a pleasant peasant present?

14. Which is the witch that wished the wicked wish?

15. Thin sticks, thick bricks.

16. A critical cricket critic.

17. Six selfish shellfish.

18. 66 sickly chicks

19. We surely shall see the sun shine soon.

20. Double bubble gum bubbles double.

21. Can you can a can?

22. How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans?

23. A canner can can as many cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans.

24. I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought I thought.

1。 彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜。

2。 廉價船之旅。

3。 鮮炸肉。

4。 給爸爸一杯咖啡,一銅的妥善一杯咖啡。

5。 三次罰球。

6。 大黑蟲咬的大黑熊,大黑熊流​​血了。

7。 當我們走路時,我們看著清潔窗戶華盛頓的窗戶用溫水


8。 她在海邊賣貝殼。 如果她在海邊賣貝殼,哪裡還有她賣的貝殼


9。 要多少張工作表分切機縫,如果一個表分切機應該縫床單?


10。 理查德本科munches午餐在教堂的長椅上。




11。 六姐妹傻賣絲綢六體弱多病的老人。

12。 鞋和襪子休克蘇西。

13。 農民有一個愉快的禮物?

14。 這是女巫希望惡人願望是什麼?

15。 支薄型,厚磚。

16。 一個關鍵的板球評論家。

17。 六自私的貝類。

18。 66多病的小雞

19。 我們一定會看到陽光照耀很快。

20。 雙泡泡糖氣泡的兩倍。

21。 可以您可以在可以嗎?

22。 多少罐一個罐頭製造商可以的,如果一個罐頭製造商可以可以罐頭?

23。 一個罐頭製造商可以盡可能多的罐作為罐頭製造商可以的,如果一個罐頭製造商可以可以罐。

24。 我有一種想法,但是我的這種想法不是我曾經想到我以為我的想法。